發(fā)布時間:2023-06-25 11:04:06 人氣:761 來源:析浦科學(xué)儀器
黃色熒光蛋白(Yellow Fluorescent Protein ,YFP)可以看做綠色熒光蛋白的一種突變體,最初來源于維多利亞多管水母( Aequorea victoria)。相對于綠色熒光蛋白,其熒光向紅色光譜偏移,而這主要是由于蛋白203位蘇氨酸變?yōu)槔野彼?。其更大激發(fā)波長為514 nm,更大發(fā)射波長為527 nm。
常用黃色熒光蛋白: Citrine, Venus, and Ypet。這三種改良的蛋白熒光更亮,更穩(wěn)定,而且成熟更快,因此應(yīng)用廣泛。
Hyperfolder YFP is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) green/yellow fluorescent protein published in 2022, derived from Aequorea victoria. It is reported to be a rapidly-maturing weak dimer with moderate acid sensitivity.
上圖為Hyperfolder YFP的激發(fā)光和發(fā)射光波長光譜圖
Superfolder YFP is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) green/yellow fluorescent protein published in 2005, derived from Aequorea victoria.
mCitrine is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) yellow fluorescent protein published in 2002, derived from Aequorea victoria.
mCitrine YFP的激發(fā)光和發(fā)射光波長光譜圖
mVenus is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) yellow fluorescent protein published in 2006, derived from Aequorea victoria. It is reported to be a rapidly-maturing monomer with moderate acid sensitivity.
YPet is a basic (constitutively fluorescent) yellow fluorescent protein published in 2005, derived from Aequorea victoria. It has moderate acid sensitivity.
析浦(上海)科學(xué)儀器有限公司生產(chǎn)的便攜式熒光手電筒GFPfinder-2101CY能夠激發(fā)Citrine, Venus, and Ypet等黃色熒光蛋白YFP在植物愈傷、葉片、種子、根系以及各種模式動物上的表達熒光,有手電筒式的熒光手電筒,也有手持式雙波長熒光觀測燈,也有臺式和體視顯微鏡配套使用的熒光適配器。